

如果你使用Netflix这样的产品, Spotify, Amazon Prime, 蓝色的围裙, Birchbox, 美元剃须俱乐部, GoDaddy, 游戏现在, iCloud, Fitbit, etc. 那你就知道基于订阅的服务有多方便了.

But do you really know how many monthly subscriptions you're paying for at the moment?

根据2018年的一项调查 WMG, 84% of Americans grossly underestimate what they spend on subscription-based services. 研究发现,人们平均认为自己支付了79美元左右.每月74英镑用于经常性开支.

然后他们进行了计算. 天啊,他们大错特错了. 


What makes people feel like they're spending 197% less on subscription services than they actually are?


Something happens to your brain when you commit to monthly services under $20. 他们逐渐淡出人们的视线,淡出人们的脑海. 因为一个月20美元不会让你吃亏,对吧?

Take a step back and calculate the cost per year of each of those products and i很容易看出经常性费用是如何累积起来的. 其中许多服务每月自动更新, 所以如果你没有注意, 它们很容易被忽视.

Sometimes subscription commitments can happen without you even realizing it. 看看优素福吧, an interactive music service that teaches users how to play musical instruments on their mobile device. The app offers a free premium trial that you can unlock with the click of a button. 然而, if the trial ends before you go through all the steps to unsubscribe, 100美元以上的年费将从你的bat365账户中扣除. And it will happen every year for eternity until you go into iTunes and unsubscribe.

关键是, many companies make subscribing so easy that you may not even realize what you signed up for until it’s too late.


手机应用商店会记录你的支付信息, so at any moment you're just one click away from getting into bed with a recurring monthly expense.


使用下面的图表, you can determine if a monthly service is a useful investment or a financial drain by sorting them into four categories based on cost and benefit. 首先列出你目前订阅的所有节目. 记得列出年度优惠,比如亚马逊Prime.

你可能记不起你买的所有东西. 没关系. If you need a reminder of which services you're currently paying for, Truebill和Trim等应用程序可以扫描你的支出, identify subscriptions and group them into one bucket to give you a holistic view of your subscription list.

Now, determine the necessity level of your subs by comparing how much you use them against how much you pay for them.

类别 成本与效益
高成本,高使用率. 每月21美元或更多. 每月使用10天以上.
低成本,高使用率. 每月20美元或更少. 每月使用10天以上.
成本高,使用率低. 每月21美元或更多. 每月使用少于10天.
低成本,低使用率. 每月20美元或更少. 每月使用少于10天.


Services like YouTube TV ($50/month) or a digital subscription to the Wall Street Journal ($37/month) can cost you a pretty penny every month, 每年大约400到600美元. But if you're taking advantage of them regularly, it's money well spent. If a 高成本,高使用率 花费在你的日常生活或休闲时间中扮演着重要的角色, 你为什么想要投资这项服务是可以理解的. 

As your lifestyle continues to evolve and change, be sure to keep a close eye on these expenses. 就像改变工作日程一样简单, 或者像一个新孩子能把这些奢侈品变成 成本高,使用率低 类别.


These are subscriptions that give you your money's worth because you use them so much. The kind of product that you'd feel comfortable recommending to anyone, regardless of their salary. 在这个类别中,你通常会发现像Netflix这样的热门服务, Hulu +, Spotify Premium和Fitbit Premium.

Just remember, this is where a sizable chunk of your income is going every month. 不要逃避计算. 如果你陷入困境, 一个红色警报, 我付不起房租, 做个聪明的决定,取消这些订阅. 当你的财务状况好转时,他们还会在那里. 

获得更好的利率. Mortgages, auto loans, checking accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, and IRAs.


的订阅 成本高,使用率低 组别应取消,不得讨论. One good example of this is when people neglect meal kit delivery services like HelloFresh or 蓝色的围裙. These products do a great job teaching kitchen-shy adults how to cook fresh, healthy meals. 然而,事情总会发生. 人们变得忙碌起来. And busy people don’t always feel like preparing intricate meals at the end of the day. 它变成了一个逻辑调用. 如果你的家人支付了139美元.84 per week to have high quality ingredients delivered to your door just to have those ingredients rot away in your crisper drawer, 你应该考虑一下,那笔钱花在别的地方是否更好.

另一个常见的 成本高,使用率低 经常性开支是你的健身房会员卡. 一个记录 67%有健身房会员卡的人从不使用, despite dropping over $50 a month for the privilege of skipping a workout.


Expenses in this 类别 tend to be subscriptions that were forgotten about, 或者在你生命中的某个时刻需要, 但它们已经无关紧要了. These are the recurring payments dragging you down and it's up to you to decide if the service is a necessity or not. Someone who subscribed to Kindle Unlimited in 2015 and then tragically lost her Kindle at the beach in 2017 could still be paying $9.为一项与她的生活方式无关的服务支付99美元.

越来越多的移动应用程序,比如Photoshop Express, Cozi, Comixology and Translate Assistant (just to name a few) offer premium features for a small recurring monthly payment. Take into consideration that the average person has 80 apps installed on their smartphone, 每个月用30个 nine 每天. Will those premium payments get put to good use, or just disappear in the clutter?


Conquering subscription fatigue is all about prioritizing your needs over your wants. 

如果你还没有准备好放弃你的每月服务, 至少试着寻找其他的解决方案,比如租房, 买二手, 或者和别人分摊费用. Fun fact: 80% of consumers admit to sharing a TV/movie streaming subscription or premium music plan with at least one other person.

Sometimes growing financially means being honest with yourself about which purchases add meaning to your life. 任何时候你都可以减少不必要的开支, 你在预算中为更大的项目创造了更多的空间, 更好的目标. 



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