Ain't Nobody Got Time

Ain't nobody got time for that.Have you noticed how fast the world is moving these days? We are so busy and have so much to do. No time to talk. I'll text you later using acronyms. Important projects are due for work or school. Appointments need to be scheduled. Groceries need to be bought. Dinner needs to be made. Loved ones need attention. Laundry should have been done yesterday. Can you relate?

Being a mother of three teenagers and working full time can really take its toll. I need convenience ALL the time, and I have figured out how to make convenience save me time and money. Wondering how? Well, I use my phone for everything from scheduling to shopping to banking. I love the apps that pay you to shop and the ones that credit you if the competition has a lower price.

My most used apps are eBates (pays ME to shop online), Walmart Savings Catcher (great for price matching), Facebook (to see what everyone is up to), Pinterest (to get ideas for everything), and Louisiana Federal Credit Union (to check on the funds).

With all that phone time, thank goodness Louisiana FCU has free Wi-Fi and cell phone chargers in case I need them. Not to mention that I get a discount with Sprint just because I am a member of a credit union. Check our website. You can get a discount too.